Doctor Justice Erikson, ND
Expansive & Transformational Natural Medicine

Willing to go Deep

Have you struggled for months or years with an illness that doctors can never quite put their finger on? Have you been given diagnosis after diagnosis* but no effective treatment? Have you learned to become your own advocate to get what you need out of healthcare?

I focus on discovering and treating the root causes of chronic illness. I work in collaboration with you, the foremost expert on your body and experiences. My goal is to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to take control of your healing journey. I'm not here to push any specific agenda or treatment protocol, but I come equipped with years of specialized training and research. Let's come up with a plan together that centers your priorities.

I also orient to a mind-body approach to medicine. Which means that I consider each part of your being as a part of a whole, and not at all that I think it's "all in your head". Our bodies and minds are in constant conversation with each other, and the deepest healing happens when we facilitate that work on all levels. I am trained in counseling and bodywork (craniosacral, visceral manipulation, etc.) modalities and love to use them together in my work with patients. These therapies can be a part of your regular visit or scheduled separately. 

* Some of these diagnoses (from self or others) may include chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, lyme disease, mold toxicity, multiple chemical sensitivities, SIBO, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Generalized Hypermobility, etc.

Queer Normative

As a queer and trans person who has struggled to work with providers who were so-called "LGBTQ friendly", I know how frustrating it can be to need to educate your provider on not just your health but on the very fundamentals of your identity and approach to the world. While I will of course happily work with straight and cisgenger patients as well, my work is always oriented towards serving the queer community.

I have particular interest and knowledge of fertility for trans patients, having been involved in facilitating online communities for Seahorse (transmasculune) parents, transfemmes trying to conceive and/or lactate, and trans/nonbinary parents of babies not assigned a gender. I work to distill and disseminate community-build knowledge on what childbearing looks like for trans bodies, building on a robust knowledge of conventional fertility medicine. Most of all, my experience building my own family has given me invaluable lived experience as a transmasculine person with two transfeminine & intersex co-parents raising two beautiful children growing up without an assigned gender. 

At this time I am able to prescribe and manage hormone therapy except for Testoterone due to DEA licensing. I hope to offer this in the near future.